#1 For LLM & PhD Law Students
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Editing and Rewriting
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Hire the best!

Moneyback Guarantee!

Our law professors deliver exceptional editing and proofreading services that fully meet the standards set by your examiners. We stand firmly behind the quality of our work and guarantee your success. If your document is rejected due to our editing and proofreading, we will provide a full refund without hesitation.

We are the only proofreading business that offers you that!

What makes us the best?

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Free editing review

For Levels 2 and 3 only: After you submit your document, you and your supervisors or examiners may request changes before your work is officially accepted. We are committed to your satisfaction and will review any comments and implement the requested changes at no additional cost.

If the revisions are extensive, we are still here to help. However, depending on the complexity of the changes, a small additional fee may apply. Our Free Editing Review is available within 30 days of your turnaround date, and we are dedicated to supporting you throughout this process.

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Law specialists

We specialise in editing and proofreading all types of academic documents related to the law, including theses, dissertations, abstracts, research proposals, journal articles, conference papers, essays, writing samples, legal opinions and reports.

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We know what you wrote about

Experience has taught us what makes a good thesis and what doesn’t. Our law professors have taught law students and written many exams, essays, articles, and reviews. They have also edited and proofread many theses on different topics. So, our professors have built up a significant base of knowledge and experience across a broad range of areas over the years.

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Just native English isn't enough

Most proofreaders read your work and correct obvious spelling and grammar errors. They need to determine whether your terminology is correct and will not even notice incorrect word choices.

This is especially important if you are an LLM or a PhD candidate who speaks English as a second language (ESOL). You can only sometimes discern the correct word for a particular legal context since you are unfamiliar with English legal terminology. Even specialist translators sometimes choose the wrong word for a specific legal context because they are translating – they lack the knowledge about the law in English to choose the correct terminology for the proper context.

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Legal expertise

Our proofreaders teach abroad a spectrum of subjects, including public international law, private international law, comparative law, international criminal law, international commercial law, company law, commercial transactions law, tort law, contract law, property law, terrorism and law, cyber-law, cyber-terrorism, immigration law, nationality law, jurisprudence, sociology and law, civil procedure and criminal procedure.

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We eliminate plagiarism

It is crucial to ensure that your work has no traces of plagiarism, as universities frequently utilize software to detect it. Any significant matches could jeopardize your application’s success. Our team will diligently rewrite plagiarized sections, transforming them into unique content reflecting your voice and ideas.

Request a Writing Sample

Getting into the LLM, PhD or SJD programme of your choice is a highly competitive business – your application will be assessed against many, sometimes hundreds, of others. You might be required to submit a writing sample for your post-graduate.

Fill out the form below and put your feet up!

Double check your email.
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Which university or programme are you interested in sending this writing sample to?
Please choose a turnaround.
Total cost US$
We write a cover letter, personal statement, and writing sample. You provide the curriculum vitae, and we edit and finalize everything to support your application.
File types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx.

Don’t be tempted

Anyone who is fluent in English can be a proofreader, right? Well, actually, that’s quite wrong. Some people think they can proofread simply because they have strong English skills or they have a university degree. Don’t be tempted to send your LLM or PhD thesis, your essay, your research proposal, your conference abstract or your law review article to someone merely because they graduated from a university. Academic legal writing should only be proofread by a law professor, unless you only want a spell check.