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Cicero (born 106 BC and died 43 BC) was a famous Roman lawyer, speaker, statesman, constitutionalist, and political philosopher. He wrote a famous book on law called De Legibus (which means roughly “On the Laws). In that book, he wrote a lot about what he thought law is and what he thought natural law is....
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British jurist, philosopher, social reformer. He wrote several famous books including Of Laws in General (1782) And An Introduction to the Principles of Morals And Legislation (1789). He did not believe in God – he was an atheist. He was a social reform advocate and he wrote on many topics including: Women’s rights Animal rights...
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“The life of the law has not been logic – it has been experience” He is often known as the intellectual father of Legal Realism Holmes was a lawyer for 15 years, a judge on the Supreme Court of Massachusetts for 20 years and an Associate Justice on the United States Supreme Court for 30...
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Australian academic, currently Emeritus Professor at Oxford University. His book Natural Law and Natural Rights (1980) is one of the most important recent books on the philosophy of law. His book has been criticized by many intellectuals. Around 700 years after Thomas Aquinas, John Finnis returned to Aquinas’ ideas and tried to reformulate a modern...
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A legal philosopher who played a leading role in the legal realism movement. He was made a judge of the United States Court of Appeals in 1941 (prior to that he had worked as a lawyer since 1912) – a graduate of Yale. He published many books including Law and the Modern Mind in 1930...
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