#1 For LLM & PhD Law Students
Editing the world 24/7
Based in
New Zealand
Editing and Rewriting
Trusted By
10,000+ Clients

Before selecting a proofreading service, consider how important your thesis or dissertation is to you. Would it matter if your supervisor rejects it? Would you be concerned if your writing is deemed unclear and you cannot proceed to an oral examination? Would it affect you if your conference abstract is rejected? Understanding the topic is crucial. All of our proofreaders are law professors, ensuring that we can match you with someone knowledgeable in your specific area. This is essential because there may be terms that seem appropriate in general English but may not be suitable within the specific context of legal writing.

law students writing law dissertation

If you are writing your thesis in English and have translated legal terms, it must be reviewed by an English-speaking law professor. They can catch significant errors that a general proofreader might miss, ensuring your work shines. It is a worthwhile investment in your academic success. 


August 16, 2016
Who is Oliver Wendell Holmes Junior?
June 22, 2016
Who is John Finnis?
February 11, 2016
Who is Jerome Frank?
September 7, 2016
Who is Jeremy Bentham?
September 9, 2018
Who is Herbert Lionel Aldophus Hart (H.L.A. Hart)?
May 9, 2018
Who is Cicero?
July 29, 2018
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties


Did you know that seven out of ten theses are rejected due to incorrect referencing styles? We frequently re-edit theses that have already been proofread by other companies. Many proofreading services struggle to properly follow the OSCOLA or Bluebook referencing guidelines because it can be complex and time-consuming. Consequently, your thesis is unlikely to proceed to an oral examination until these errors are corrected.

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