In his Millennium Report (A/54/2000), the Secretary-General of the United Nations noted that “[s]upport for the rule of law would be enhanced if countries signed and ratified international treaties and conventions”. He further noted that many countries are unable to participate fully in the international treaty framework due to “the lack of the necessary expertise and resources, especially when national legislation is needed to give force to international instruments”. In the same report, the Secretary-General called upon “… all relevant United Nations entities to provide the necessary technical assistance that will make it possible for every willing state to participate fully in the emerging global legal order”.
The Millennium Summit was held at United Nations Headquarters, in New York, from 6 to 8 September 2000. Further to his commitment to the rule of law expressed in the Millennium Report, the Secretary-General invited all Heads of State and Government attending the Millennium Summit to sign and ratify treaties deposited with him. The response to the Secretary-General’s invitation was positive. The Treaty Signature/Ratification Event was held during the Millennium Summit and a total of 84 countries, of which 59 were represented at the level of Head of State or Government, undertook 274 treaty actions (signature, ratification, accession, etc.) in relation to over 40 treaties deposited with the Secretary-General.
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